Play your part in the benchmarking of the NZ construction industry
and continuously improve your business at the same time!

Stop and think for 2 minutes…

What aspects of your organisation might you want to measure and improve?


To improve your customer service you need to know how to measure it, how to deal with it, and how to respond and improve it.

The 3 fundamental elements

1: How to deliver a Performance Management System that gives results

Often people come up with KPIs that can be easily measured but are not necessarily going to result in business performance improvement. Selecting KPIs suitable for your business is the first step towards success.

2: How to draw a line in the sand and understand where you are now

Benchmarking is critical to do before any improvements can be made. It is the very first thing that should be done before you undertake any performance improvement activities.
We give you the 7-step benchmarking process that will set your project or business up against national and international performance benchmarks. This gives you a baseline for your continuous improvement programme. (Thinking strategically and involving your stakeholders is needed.)
3: How to deliver a continuous improvement programme based on results from measurement/benchmarking process

For more information, or to discuss a customised in-house training programme, please contact us, on

Constructing Excellence training courses, workshops and events may be considered for contributing to a recognised Continuing Professional Development (CPD) scheme as part of personal development. Participants should check their individual scheme requirements.