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National Facilities Management Best Practice Group (FMBP)
Current Membership
In 2011 nine founding member organisations formed the FMBP group and created a Facilities Management Benchmarking Tool to be used for an annual strategic maturity assessment of facilities management capability that enables:
- an ongoing systematic process to introduce industry best practice into their own organisation
- different parts of their organisation understand and achieve their full potential using information constructively to take actions to improve its performance
- target setting and continuous improvement through a benchmarking approach
- the establishment of a Learning Organisation that will continuously improve its target setting as the membership of the group increases over time
Construction Excellence NZ (funded by the member organisations) is responsible for providing administrative, analysis and reporting functions to optimise value from the results of the benchmarking exercise.
Our purpose is to provide a network to share experiences, information and skills (including developing and sharing sector leading competences around digital technology, procurement and collaboration).
- Support the delivery of requirements and expectations of the Office of the Auditor General for example Treasury NZ Investor Confidence Rating (ICR) methodology.
- Promote FMBP within their own sector and other organisations to get good representation and create awareness.
- Advocate for FMBP’s purpose and place within the asset / facilities management industry and the public section.
To promote collaboration and information sharing to allow FMBP member organisations to drive forward through continuous improvement including enabling tangible justifications for investments in areas that will bring about FM performance improvement.
Any public entities, including, for example, government departments, State-owned enterprises, Crown research institutes, the defence forces, district health boards, territorial, city and district councils and the entities they own, ports, schools, universities, polytechnics, and wanaga.
Guests outside government agencies (consultants and industry practitioners) will be invited to meetings to provide educational presentations and participate in activities as appropriate. Such engagement will ensure content is framed within the bounds of the FMBP purpose
It is envisaged that the group will grow to include representation from other government agencies or local authorities.
Members will promote FMBP within their own and other organisations to get good representation and create awareness.
- Participate in regular meetings;
- Provide presentations;
- Share their successes and failures;
- Actively participate in ad-hoc workshops and workstreams; and
- Provide data and participate in the Strategic Maturity Assessment, annually.
- Secretariat function including minutes will be provided by Constructing Excellence NZ Ltd.
- Agendas and papers will be circulated two days before meetings.
- Meetings will be held quarterly and lasting no longer than two hours - Auckland, Wellington and Christchurch (via Video Conference).
- A specific theme will generally be covered at each meeting.
- Minutes will be recorded of actions.
- Meetings will be led by the current Chair and facilitated by a lead (or co-chair) in the other regions.
- The bulk of time in meetings will be dedicated to a pre-determined theme generally led by the Chair.
Chair Appointment and Accountability
The role of the Chair role will be rotated around the FMBP Group on a 12-month basis. The chair can serve for a longer period when supported by the FMBP Group
Withdrawal from the role of the chair is at the discretion of the individual at any time due to a change of employment or direction of the member organisation.
A Chair must meet the following minimum criteria:
- Financially paid up member or part of an organisation that has paid its annual membership subscription.
- Currently working within the FM industry with at least 5 years in a senior role involved in, but not inclusive to, asset management, project management, construction management / administration, facilities Management or equivalent, etc).
Provide input into FMBP governance and partnership matters with Constructing Excellence NZ Ltd.
Chair and host meetings; Assist with determining the presentation programme for the meetings. Review Group minutes in a timely fashion (i.e., not less than 5 working days upon receipt).
Sets the direction for the Group and actively seeks out presenters for each meeting and encourage existing members to maintain attendance at meetings.
Actively participate and chair ad-hoc workshops and workstreams.